

Seed Project  / 本質計畫

Art direciton : Yi-Hsuan Li
Visual design : Yi-Hsuan Li

Date : June. 2017

Exhibition : 2017 / 06 / 03 - 2017 / 07 / 05  ( National Chiao Tung University)

本質計畫Seed Project 是對於生命的回顧,用種子連結25年以來的每一個重要時刻,整理了10個故事,種子就如每段過程裡的標點符號,寫在每個生命的段落裡,連接起一段段的記憶。這次嘗試用畫面寫短篇,從童年開始,依序寫出國小、國中、高中、大學、研究所,最後一則是寫當下。我整理了過去,即將開始寫向未來。

Special thanks to my professor Prof. Wen-Shu Lai

Seed Project is a retrospect of my life. I selected 10 stories, using seeds to connect with every significant moment from the 25 years throughout my life. Seeds are like those punctuation marks in the paragraphs of life, which mark and piece together the memories. This time I tried to visualize my memories and write short passages about my life. I began my story with childhood, followed by elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, college, and then graduate school. The last passage I wrote is the present time. I have compiled the past and is about to write and set foot to the future.

Designed by Studio Pros

